• Informing your company about the preparation, arrangement, review of the contracts that your company will make with domestic and foreign companies or individuals and the necessary changes.
• Examining the compliance of your company’s transaction conditions with local and foreign companies or individuals, in accordance with Turkish Law, for your company’s interests.
• In case of disputes arising from the business transactions and transactions made by your company, initiation, follow-up and collection of receivables required to obtain the legal rights of your company.
• Upon request, the necessary amendments and changes are made in the company’s articles of association and registered to the relevant institution.
• Preparation and participation of company general assembly meetings upon request.
• To inform your company about the innovations and changes by reporting the changes in the legislation for your business, local and high court decisions periodically.
• Upon request, to give your opinion about the compliance of your business with the Turkish Law in terms of protecting the interests of your company, the commercial works and transactions that your company will perform.
In the case of a company we advise, our law firm’s approach is to take precautionary measures to protect the interests of our clients before disputes or conflicts arise. At this point it is important to ensure coordination with our office regarding the work and transactions to be carried out by the client company.